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What kind of material is generally used in stainless steel bag filter housing?

Author: 思创过滤技术 Added:2020-11-09 Views: Big Medium Small

Stainless steel bag filters housing are generally made of 304 and 316 stainless steel.
Text Labels:不锈钢袋式过滤器

不锈钢袋式过滤器一般采用304和316不锈钢材质。 不锈钢袋式过滤器结构简单、易装,由筒体、滤袋、支撑网篮组成,不仅外表美观,而且非常耐用,使用寿命长。液体从上进口法兰流入,进入滤袋内测,固体杂质颗粒在通过滤袋时,被拦截在滤网上。

2020-11-09 People Browsing